「Medical Humanities: Can Poetry and the Arts Make Better Doctors?」
“In this presentation, Dr. Shapiro will make a case for the value of integrating medical humanities into the education of physicians and briefly discuss narrative medicine as a subset of MH especially relevant to clinical practice because of its emphasis on storytelling. Next, Dr. Shapiro will share components of the medical humanities program at UC Irvine School of Medicine, The formal talk will conclude by identifying some of the obstacles in teaching MH from institutional, collegial, learner, and personal perspectives; as well as exploring possibilities for solutions. There will be plenty of time for questions and robust discussion!”
本次活動邀請美國加州大學爾灣分校 Dr. Johanna Shapiro 線上分享,闡述醫學人文教育的價值,並且視敘事醫學為醫學人文領域不可或缺的一部分,討論「說故事」之能力在臨床現場的重要性。敘事醫學乃用以喚醒專業照護人員運用與生俱來、貼近人性的聆聽、述說或書寫故事能力,從病人故事自我反思病人、家屬與專業照顧人員所出之困境、兩難與無奈,藉而建立同理心,養成設身處地為他人著想的人文關懷,並提供病人適切的診療,同時找到從事醫療照護的初衷、意義與成就感。此外,Dr. Shapiro 亦將分享加州大學爾灣分校辦理醫學人文教育之相關具體經驗,從組織制度、學院系統、學習者與個人層面,剖析醫學人文教育推廣過程中可能遇到的難題和解方,與本校教師進行交流。
三、活動地點:濟世大樓 9 樓 CS915 會議室
時間 |
主題 |
主講人 |
主持人 |
12:00~13:30 |
Medical Humanities: Can Poetry and the Arts Make Better Doctors? |
University of California, Irvine Dr. Johanna Shapiro |
高醫人文社會科學院 呂佩穎院長 |
六、報名連結 (12/10截止報名):https://forms.gle/K99SMqYoMxs3acim7
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Johanna Shapiro M.A., Ph.D. is professor emerita of family medicine and founder-director of the Program in Medical Humanities & Arts, University of California Irvine, School of Medicine (http://www.meded.uci.edu/student-life/medical-humanities.asp). She is the recipient of many teaching awards and honors, including STFM’s Humanism in Medicine Award in 2020 and UCI’s Lauds & Laurels Outstanding Faculty Achievement award. Dr. Shapiro’s research and scholarship focuses on the process of professional identity formation in medical education, including the impact of training on student empathy, on medical student-patient relationships, and on the management of difficult clinical encounters. She is widely published in the field of medical humanities.
Her book, The Inner World of Medical Students: Listening to Their Voices in Poetry, is a critical analysis of important themes in the socialization process of medical students as expressed through their creative writing. She has published poetry in several journals, including Pulse, The Healing Muse, Journal of General Internal Medicine, and JAMA.
In her leisure time, she loves spending time with her 3 children and 6 grandchildren; playing folk guitar; walking by the beach; and writing the occasional poem.