

110/10/1(五)「Managing Stress, Building Resilience: The Imperative for Mind-Body Medicine in Health Professions Education」

9am 線上講座


醫療人員常呈現慢性壓力及過勞症狀,這個趨勢可能在醫療照護專業教育中,學生逐漸低落的同理心及過勞的徵兆出現警示。高教深耕計畫核心議題五很榮幸邀請Dr. Aviad Haramati, Director of Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE) Georgetown University Medical Center 演講,回顧壓力的病理生理學,以及介入的方法如何幫助老師及學生控管壓力、培養同理心和建立復原力Dr. Aviad Haramati分享如何將身心技巧(含正念)融入醫療相關專業課程。講座獲得大家熱烈的迴響,共計62名參與者會議問答時間大家踴躍提問Dr. Aviad Haramati有許多互動,參與者受益良多



1.To describe the prevalence of burnout among medical students, faculty and physicians in practice

2.To understand the physiology and pathophysiology of stress and the scientific basis for mind-body therapies  used to reduce stress and improve well-being

3.To learn about interventional models currently being explored for medical students, residents, physicians and academic faculty to prevent, limit or reverse burnout and foster resiliency.

4.To experience a number of exercises that are used in the mind-body medicine skills course at Georgetown University School of Medicine


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